Super Fighting Championships

Women's self defence
One of the number one reasons that many women are victims of an attack is because they do not know how to react properly to the threat. You need to do your research because women self defense techniques that are taught might not be effective and could very well put you in danger if not used properly. There are many different styles of martial arts out there and while it can be advantageous to learn one, sometimes it's not the best place to start.
Violence against women has only recently been addressed in national policy and legislation. Responses by most societal institutions to women assaulted by male partners are still based primarily on a lack of knowledge about the prevalence, severity, and outcomes of violence perpetrated by men against female intimates. Although well suited to make a vital contribution, psychologists still rarely involve themselves in proactive interventions with women victims.
For over many years Grand Master Ali Babri, 8th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor has been host to one of the most unique programs for women's self defense offered anywhere in the CANADA & All over the World . Grand Master Babri offers His students the opportunity to use full force techniques on a fully-padded attacker.
The trained attacker will react only to a blow that without padding would do sufficient damage to allow escape. These way students KNOW if their defensive techniques will work. Target areas are explained, real-to-life scenarios are played out and students are put in as many situations as possible, building confidence in their defensive moves and their right to use them to survive!
This program has been presented to many local businesses for employees and has a regular circuit of mother's clubs and professional organizations that call us back year after year.